Maggies Bar & Cafe, Edinburgh/Musslebrugh
BARTA invites you to a night where talent is optional but enthusiasm is mandatory! Welcome to Your're Bad It’s Good – Karaoke Night, where the worse you sound, the better. Whether you’re a vocal powerhouse (in your own shower) or proudly off-key, this is your chance to grab the mic and give a performance no one will forget—no matter how hard they try! So bring your friends, pick a song, and get ready for a night of laughter, music, and gloriously bad performances.
£2 Tickets On The Door, 20p Per Song
(Please Purchase A Free Ticket So we Know The Number Of People Attendin)
B.A.R.T.A hosts weekly meetings on a Thursday evening (6:00PM-9:00PM) where we watch lconically bad movies, if this peaks your interest come along! (Requires a £2 Members Fee & Low Affiliation)